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TNA Device



The TNA Device contains the devices that is used to import Time and Attendance (TNA) timesheet.


There are two types of device outputs that are support:

  1. File Output - The device creates a file in a specific format and places this file in a pre-configured location (Watch folder).
  2. Database - Dynamically interacts with the TNA database and imports data for processing.

The following File output formats are available:

Database Based Devices:

How TNA Processing works:

  1. Time is entered in the TNA physical devices.
  2. At scheduled intervals, data is polled from the devices:
    1. File Type
      1. A data file is created from the device.
      2. This file is then placed in the "Watch" folder.
        1. The "Watch" folder is configured in menu "Integration ~> TNADevice ~> Integration Setting"
        2. This folder is based on the "Database Server"
        3. Folder access needs to be given to the Web Server "Application Pool User"
        4. You can use UNC naming convention or Mapped Network Drives
      3. System reads the files and moves it to "Completed" folder after processing
    2. Database Type
      1. Process "ESS021 - TNA Timesheet Import Process" pulls the time data from the TNA database.
      2. After processing, the TNA entries are marked as completed in the TNA database.
  3. TNA processing rules are applied and hours is calculated.
  4. Timesheet data is reviewed and submitted from TNA Timesheet menu.


  1. Configure TNA Rules
  2. Configure TNA Employee Mapping
  3. Enable the following processes:
    1. ESS021 - TNA Timesheet Import Process
    2. ESS022 - TNA Timesheet Import Manual Compute
    3. ESS023 - TNA Timesheet Import Automatic Archive

The following functions are available:

  1. Review list of devices. See Figure 1 below.
  2. Review/Edit time import devices
  3. Change Processing Mode, Watch, Processing, Completed File Locations, Database Name and Active checkbox details. See Figure 2 below.
  4. Disable a device by clicking on the Delete button. See Figure 1 below (X in red)

File Locations   - File location is where the data is saved for processing.

Data format is csv. Users need to only place the file with data in the "Watch " folder, system will automatically take file to the "Processing" and "Completed" folders.

  1. Watch - Path where all raw files is stored for processing
  2. Processing - Path where system temporarily stores the files being processed
  3. Completed - Path where the system stores the files after it has been processed

Processing Modes 

  1. Manual
  2. Import and Submit
  3. Import Submit and Approve

Manual Mode

When data is submitted by users, the system automatically imports the time entry.
The user is required to perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the edit icon and change status from New to Submitted

    Note: The status will be marked as Completed as soon as the file has been processed 

    Figure 3:
    New Time Entry Import

    Figure 4 : Completed Time Entries

  2. Navigate to Timesheets(All valid and invalid entries will be populated here)
    These entries can be edited by the user as required and submitted for payroll processing (As shown in Figure 6)
    Figure 5: Valid & Invalid Entries

  3. Click on the edit icon, enter End Time and Hours and Save

    Figure 6: Edit Form for Time Entry

  4. Tick the time entry and submit
    Note: The status will show as Completed

    Figure 7: Time Entry Submitted for Payroll Processing

Import and Submit Mode

When the processing mode is set to Import and Submit, the system automatically submits the file

i.e. users do not have to manually change the status from New to Submitted in order for the files to appear in the Timesheet menu for editing.

However, users still have to edit any invalid time entries and submit the valid entries for payroll processing.

Import, Submit and Approve Mode

When the processing mode is set to Import Submit and Approve, the system automatically processes the raw files and submits all valid entries for payroll processing. User will only be able to edit the invalid entries for payroll processing in the Timesheet menu.

Note: The configuration "Timesheet import automatic approve days buffer. Time entries past the days buffer will be picked by the automatic approve process." is used to delay the automatic approval. Default value is 1 day.
For example: If an employee sign in Today at 8am and out at 10am, system will create an entry in the timesheet for 8am - 10am and mark this as a valid entry.
If the same employee signs in at 1pm, then the system will re-compute the entry create above which will be 8am - 1pm.
When the day finishes, this entry will then be marked as completed.

Figure 1: List of Devices

Figure 2: Edit Form for Device Configuration